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TICA: TESS Image CAlibrator

I am the lead developer and maintainer for TICA, a modular python package that can be used to calibrate raw TESS FFIs and solve for World Coordinate Solutions.

TICA images are publicly available every two weeks, roughly one week after data are downlinked from the TESS spacecraft.

Beginning in September of 2022, TICA FFIs will be available every seven days. These frequent data releases will enable follow-up observations of rare and short-lived astrophysical transients.

TICA code on github

TICA High Level Science Products on MAST

Fausnaugh et al. 2020, TICA Researh Note

Data Analysis Workikng Group (DAWG)

I lead the TESS DAWG, which is responsible for approving the TESS data products for public release.

I was also the lead author of the TESS Data Release Notes from 2019-2023.

TESS Data Release Notes

Target Selection

I wrote the code that TESS uses to select targets for 2-minute and 20-second observations.

Fausnaugh et al. 2021, TESS Target Selection